Let's first understand how hair grows in a cycle
1. Anagen (Growth) Phase: The hair follicle grows for two to six years.
2. Catagen (Transition) Phase: For one to two weeks the hair stops growing and the follicle shrinks and detaches from the skin.
3. Telogen (Resting) Phase: For five to six weeks, when the hair is released or falls out. During this phase, that hair follicle remains inactive, which means no new hair growth.
After the hair falls out, the follicle returns to the Anagen Phase and grows new hair, which starts the cycle again.
Due to several reasons, follicles shrink over time and produce shorter, and thinner hair with each cycle. Eventually, they stop producing altogether. This process is called miniaturization. This is what we call androgenic alopecia.
How Laser Therapy works
Low Level Light Therapy improves the nutrient supply to hair follicles and improves the cellular-level metabolism. LLLT helps push the hair from Telogen to Anagen phase, prolonging the Anagen Phase. As a result - the miniaturization process is reversed. NOT only does more hair grow out of each follicle, but the density, thickness and quality of each hair strand are improved.

How did this all start?
In 1967, Hungarian scientist Endre Mester was working fervently in his laboratory. He was studying the healing effects of red laser on tumors in mice. Mester was attempting to replicate an American colleague's experiment, who had shown red laser could cure tumors implanted in a hamster.
He performed delicate surgery on each of his subjects, shaving the site for incision, and implanting the tumor tissue. He then illuminated this surgical site with a red laser for carefully measured periods of time. Unbeknownst to Dr. Mester, however, his laser contained only a fraction of the power of that used by his American colleague. Needless to say, he did not cure any of the tumors, but he did notice something else: Increased rates of wound healing, and hair regrowth.
Dr. Endre Mester: A pioneer in the field of Low-Level Laser Therapy

A mechanism of laser therapy in tissue

CLINICAL TRIAL RESULTS: 272 Diode Laser Cap, 44 Participants.
51% New Hair Count In 17 Weeks.
More than 13 clinical trials and 21 relevant studies have been conducted and hundreds of research papers written on LLLT for hair growth. This science is both deemed safe and effected by the FDA to treat hair loss and promote hair growth and is cleared for home use.
Figure 4. A 53-year-old white female:
Fitzpatrick skin phototype Ill, Ludwig-Sevin Baldness Scale 1-3, with a history of androgenetic alopecia. This subject was enrolled into the active test device group. After 17 weeks of compliant home-use treatments, she returned for her final photography and release from the trial (Subject A, Site 1).

Figure 5. A 49-year-old white female
Fitzpatrick skin phototype II, Ludwig-Sevin Baldness Scale 1-1, with a history of androgenetic alopecia. This subject was enrolled into the active test device group. After 17 weeks of compliant home-use treatments, she returned for her final photography and release from the trial (Subject B, Site 2).

Why Laser Hair Therapy is Your Best Investment
Considering Hair Transplant, Minoxidil, PRP, Finasteride, Stem Cell or other treatments? Make an informed decision.

Why Laser Hair Therapy is Your Safest Investment

Why HairSmart is Your Best Choice

How does the Ayurveda System work?
Ayurveda, an ancient 5000 year Indian medicinal system, understands health through the balance of three fundamental energies or Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This philosophy extends to hair care, linking hair health to the equilibrium of these Doshas.
Vata, associated with dryness, when imbalanced, can cause dry, brittle hair and scalp issues, leading to increased hair loss.
Pitta, characterized by heat, oversees metabolic functions. Excess Pitta can weaken hair follicles, resulting in thinning hair and premature graying.
Kapha, responsible for growth and lubrication, when excessive, can create an oily scalp and impede hair growth.
Ayurveda combats these imbalances with tailored diets, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes to enhance overall health and promote robust hair growth. HairSmart uses this integrative approach of Ayurveda focussing on internal health to nurture hair wellness, addressing the root causes of hair loss.

Our Nutrition System
Can you build a house without construction material? In the same way, you can’t run a body without fuel. There are two sources of fuel for all living creatures - Nutrition and Light Energy (which is exactly why we have light therapy in the. mix)
Moreover, poor nutrition can also contribute to conditions such as telogen effluvium, where a significant portion of hair follicles prematurely enters the resting phase, causing excessive shedding. Therefore, adopting a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods is not only essential for overall health but also for maintaining luscious locks and preventing hair loss in the long run.
At HairSmart, our ingredients are plant-based and nutrition-rich, ensuring the optimal conditions for proper hair health.

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We get it—figuring out your hair health routine can be confusing. That's why we've created a fun and quick hair quiz just for you! In under five minutes, you'll get a personalized product plan. Plus, if you want some extra help, our expert team is available for one-on-one consultations!
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Our products and treatments are used by patients and physicians alike including these world-renown and well-respected physicians.