PCOS and hair loss

PCOS Related Hair Loss and Your Solutions To Manage It: A Comprehensive Guide For Women

Written by: prerna khemka


Did You Know: 1 in every 10 women are Diagnosed with PCOS?

Imagine waking up one day to find your hairbrush filled with more hair than usual. Or running your fingers through your hair, only to see more strands slip away than before. Pretty concerning right? It’s a scenario that could send anyone into a panic, and yet, for those affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), it’s a reality that can’t be ignored. Even though PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide, its link with Hair Loss is often overlooked.

Whether you’re directly affected by PCOS, hair loss or seeking to understand its impact on your loved ones. Join us as we untangle the web of PCOS and Hair loss, shedding light on a topic that affects women everywhere, from the biological causes at play to the emotional toll it can take. We aim to provide insights, remedies, empowerment, and ultimately, the reclamation of beauty in all forms.

Understanding What PCOS Is And Its Impact On Hair

PCOS is characterized by hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and the development of small cysts on the ovaries. Women with PCOS will experience hair loss due to their elevation of androgen (male-like) hormones in the body, such as testosterone which gets converted to DHT - a hormone known to suffocate the hair follicles from receiving the nutrients and oxygen it needs to thrive. Overtime, the constant attack of DHT to the hair causes it to become brittle and thin, leading to a condition known as androgenic alopecia (female pattern baldness). In addition to the DHT attack to the follicles, an excessive amount of androgens can trigger an overproduction of sebum, which can also contribute to scalp inflammation and further hair problems.

PCOS and Hair Loss

Emotional Impact Of PCOS, Hair Loss On Women

Unlike men who experience a very typical balding pattern, Hair loss due to PCOS often presents as a diffuse thinning of the scalp. Men with androgenic alopecia will lose hair first at the temples, then their crown, and eventually they eventually meet in the center. Due to the diffuse pattern of hair loss in PCOS, we often hear women saying "My hair lost so much volume!" or "My ponytail is so much thinner!". Unfortunately, diffuse hair loss isn't noticed until a significant amount of volume has been lost.

Hair is intricately connected to Women's sense of identity and femininity. Hair can help women express their creativity, confidence, and individuality. For women experiencing PCOS-related hair loss, the emotional impact can be very intense and difficult to cope with. When hair starts to look thinner and the appearance of bald patches emerge, it can cause women to feel a range of emotions, from frustration to sadness.

PCOS and Hair Loss Shown

Some common psychological effects include:

  • Decreased Self-Confidence: Thinning hair or balding spots can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, making women feel self-conscious about their appearance.
  • Social Withdrawal: PCOS-induced hair loss may cause women to avoid social situations, fearing judgment or embarrassment about their hair's condition.
  • Anxiety and Depression: The emotional toll of PCOS-related hair loss can trigger anxiety and depression, impacting overall mental well-being.
  • Negative Body Image: Women may develop negative perceptions of their bodies, feeling disconnected from their femininity due to the changes in their hair.
  • Impact on Relationships: Struggles with self-esteem can influence personal relationships, affecting intimacy and openness with partnerss.

Effective Treatments to Manage PCOS

As you can see, hair loss is way more than a shift in physical appearance. It finds its way in affecting other aspects of a woman’s life. With the expectation the world has put into being a woman, it’s no wonder we’d spend thousands of dollars online trying to find a solution to our hair loss without fully understanding how it even works.

We know the previous topic was a bit heavy, but Don't lose hope. Thankfully, there are effective strategies and treatments available to manage PCOS-induced hair loss and help restore hair health. Let's talk about your options:

  • A Hair Specific Vitamin: The most important thing to manage and treat PCOS hair loss' symptoms and effects, is making sure that your hair's nutrition needs are met. Repair Vitamins make it easily accessible to reach these needs, in the convenience of a capsule. It’s important to ensure your hair vitamin contains vitamins and minerals such as biotin, zinc, and vitamins A through E. These all play a role in maintaining healthy hair. Taking supplements that support hair health can contribute to stronger and more resilient hair strands.
  • Medical Management: Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for managing PCOS. Medications that regulate hormones and reduce androgen levels may help control hair loss and promote regrowth.
  • Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter topical treatments can stimulate hair follicles and promote hair regrowth. These topicals aim to increase blood flow to the hair so that it can receive the much needed nutrition and oxygen needed. These solutions are easy to apply and can be incorporated into daily hair care routines.
  • Ayurvedic Hair and Scalp Massage: Alongside a nutrition rich hair oil infused with ayurvedic herbs such as; lavender and rosemary. Gently scalp massaging stimulates blood circulation to hair follicles, promoting hair growth, and providing a relaxing experience.
  • Hair Extensions and Wigs: For an immediate boost in confidence, hair extensions or wigs can offer a temporary solution while waiting for hair regrowth.

  • LOW-LEVEL LASER THERAPY (LLLT): Low Level Laser Therapy Is known as the #1 at-home treatment for regrowing your hair. LLLT Improves cellular metabolism of the hair follicle giving it the energy needed to grow the hair back thicker, fuller & stronger. Clinically proven to regrow up to 51% hair in 17 weeks & make hair thicker. And Improves cellular metabolism, improves mitochondrial activity, reverses miniaturization, pushes hair back to anagen.


Now that we've learned what PCOS is, the emotional effects, and different approaches to treat this condition. We know that treating PCOS-related hair loss involves a comprehensive approach that addresses the hormonal imbalances underlying the condition as well as the specific symptoms of hair thinning. From understanding the root cause behind your hair loss, you can find peace in knowing what are the best steps for you moving forward so that you can live a rich and fulfilled life. 

We know that PCOS can have a significant emotional impact on women, affecting their self-esteem and overall well-being. Knowledge is power! It's important for you to understand the underlying hormonal imbalances and their effects on hair health is essential to find appropriate solutions. By seeking medical advice, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and incorporating targeted hair care products, women can effectively manage PCOS-related hair loss and restore their hair's health.

Remember, embracing your uniqueness and seeking support from loved ones can go a long way, while on your hair growth journey.

Prerna Khemka

Prerna Khemka

Our founder, Prerna Khemka, confronted hair loss in her twenties. Fueled by a profound passion for Ayurveda and equipped with insights from Western technology, she embarked on a transformative odyssey. Determined to find a solution that resonated with her cultural roots, Prerna delved into extensive research and innovation. The result? A line of clean, effective products that not only revived her own hair but also empowered countless others facing similar challenges.